JANICE TODORA ON BOWLING: Mixed scoring at The Max
Published 12:03 am Tuesday, April 11, 2017
This week’s action at The Max had high scorers coming from different leagues. One note this week is last week’s column omitted the high youth bowler from Stars of Tomorrow. Randall Bradford blew up the lanes the week prior as he shot games of 209, 228 and 208 for a nice 645 set. Continuing with the youth league, this week’s leader Cain Shaw had games of 208, 203 and 176 for a 587 series.
Here’s a blast from the past, Paul Vaughan, bowling in the Golden Oldies League led all the senior men this week as he unleashed games of 212, 278 and 210 for a solid 700 series.
Queen Tumbler had Alice Barnes staying on top of her game. Alice shot games of 193, 204 and 173 for a 570 set to lead all the Senior ladies.
Finally the Thursday night Energy Country Ford/Allstate League saw Sami Jo Williams shoot games of 222, 224 and 226 for a 672 series to lead all the lady bowlers this week. David Bruno hammered the lanes with games of 239, 248 and 278 for a 765 set to lead all bowlers this week.
Just a reminder the Women’s City Championships and the Open Championships are just around the corner. Come out and support your favorite bowlers and have some family fun.
• 700s: James Moity 236-246-236-718, Kim Bourque 257-224-236-717, Paul Vaughan 212-278-210-700, David Bruno 239-248-278-765, Derek Williams 204-222-279-705,
• MONDAY SENIORS: John Robison 194-516, Arnold Jones 148-410, Bill White 234-598, VJ Willis 193-496, Roberta DuFour 156-433,Venix Morris 214-592, Beverly Wallace 152-392, Stephanie Harrison 181-441, Sylvia Thomas 159-391, Elvira Jones 147-419.
• VALERO: Doug Fear 199-511, Stacey Thornberg 162-416, Greg Yera 165-470, Will Bailey 263-614, Les Perrin 189-494, Kyle Miller 224-578, Lewis Garza 191-523, Andrew Pridemore 245-668, Blake Dugas 224-587, Patsy Ronquille 193-503, Alanda Boldt 187-536, Roger Hartwig 290-687, CJ Motiv 244-678, Rhett Williford 240-648, Farrell Menard 178-468, John Parent 222-555, John Martinez 206-514, Derrick Rivers 226-626, Lancer Sylvester 223-559, Chris Heath 175-490, Maryana Kimball 188-489, Georgeann Richardson 211-540, Skipper Arsenault 243-585, Alan Kay 203-536, Jan Cates 181-440, Danny Cooper 218-533, Georgia McElroy 154-365, Ralph Broussard 216-574, Joe Duke 194-511, Mack McPhatter 221-572, Ryan Smith 214-546, Bob Cullums 235-604, Kurt Cullums 246-683, Christina Vanover 138-361, Bruce VanBoskirk 167-455, Aaron Vanover 193-516, Dee Dennis 209-523, Matthew Maxwell 213-575, Troy Girolamo 245-663, Rusti Girolamo 138-355, Alice Barnes 224-588, John Robison 191-503, Avery Henry 212-570, Dean Wersig 235-592, Casey Smith 222-564, Philip Bradley 189-480, Matt Franklin 218-538.
• ROAD RUNNERS: Frank Rios 173-454, Oliver Balagot 180-501, Blanch Comeaux 155-461, James Pitre 226-587, VJ Willis 180-474, Charlotte Banks 131-353.
• QUEEN TUMBLERS: Brenda Dodson 151-410, June Badon 175-419, Shelia Vaughan 154-412, Lynne Richter 173-483, Cindy Campbell 152-410, Alice Barnes 204-570, Mimi Rose 129-319, Elsie Tweedel 143-372, Dot Font 155-418, Joyce Porter 148-405, Martha Thomasson 157-411, Connie Mathison 189-534, Flo Benoit 164-466, Beverly Wallace 116-325, Rene Pulver 191-462, Rita Hicks 170-445.
• GOLDEN OLDIES: Gary Vincent 189-519, Cynthia Williams 126-375, Phil Rogers 193-449, Blanch Comeaux 173-455, Cliff Mosley 177-468, Robert Seymour 223-550, CJ Moity 258-699, Bonnie Timaeus 147-393, Donna Clifton 130-343, Lewis Garza 194-554, VJ Willis 172-477, Venix Morris 174-474, Mary Gravett 141-390, Charlotte Banks 130-368, Oliver Balagot 187-483, James Pitre 257-622, William Gore 157-437, Hedy Zampini 158-459, Art Leon 166-455, Frank Rios 155-434.
• FUN BOWLERS: Dean Salles 210-593, James Pitre 200-583, Bill White 268-649, Kerry Stevens 201-560, Diron Owens 203-500, Jeremy Jones 200-494, Eric Monarch 258-676, Joyce Cialona 189-489, Julie Crane 191-470, Bruce Powell 175-469, Bruce Crane 236-619, Bobby Abraham 123-356, Jeff Lopez 115-295, Terri McElhose 157-413, Shannon Quinn 191-488, Carl Quinn 238-598, Kathy Perio 162-352, Mark Hall 214-470, Larry Perio 202-505, Dee Dennis 191-513, Aubrey McKee 202-562, Burton Wilson 219-548, Tyler Rikoff 246-689, Darlene Knight 213-577, Craig Castille 143-394, Steve Killion 189-455, Micha Muller 215-577, Amy Burch 179-518, Debbie Schuster 191-432, Steve Schuster 249-666.
• ENERGY COUNTRY/ALLSTATE: Kevin Gros 198-482, Freddie Daigle 210-528, Belinda Powell 239-618, Chris Merritt 255-589, Caleb Klein 265-632, Branden Grusecki 198-521, Rene Pulver 181-504, Mason Ewell 191-504, Paul Ewell 171-478, Gerard Fresnido 164-465, Alice Barnes 245-566, Darrel Robinson 227-593, Erick Brown 215-567, John May 187-455, Clay Mayhew 243-660, Georgia McElroy 133-320, Karen Bellow 202-514, Bob Bellow 266-658, Tammy Nick 191-541, Bobby Clark 240-636, Kody Rountree 236-555, Darin Murray 215-560, Michael Chandler 240-602, Ruthie Wolfe 148-417, Joe Wolfe 238-561, Ben Wolfe 232-601, Dennis Thompson 278-692, James Moity 237-662, Jake Glen 206-562, Ray Todora 203-554 ,Kim Bourque 225-643, Rhonda Stout 200-541, Brian Smith 192-528, Belinda Humphrey 201-536, Dennis Humphrey 233-587, Kevin Tran 212-536, Erik Postula 235-615, Ryan Worthy 236-619, Buddy Sepeda 235-668, Patsy Ronquille 212-459, Lewis Garza 214-509, Randy Callahan 171-478, Jakeevan Sonnier 185-482, Chris Keisler 251-614, Marcus Joseph 190-504, Chuck Clark 172-447, Rex Morris 225-530, Bret Chipman 222-604, Aaron Richardson 180-443, Mark Maxwell 221-609, Jamie Engle 248-685, Ronnie Sonnier 224-588, John Allen 216-582, Jonathan Martin 225-622, Rob Kistner 236-591, Logan Cain 178-473, Giles Broussard 171-417, Chris Chance 180-439, Steve Comer 232-576, Rick Vasquez 202-568, Eric Harrington 267-636, Gina Wilson 204-550, Bill White266-687, Hardy Charles 204-542, James Pitre 258-600, Art Turner 233-613, Jason Beavens 206-568, Troy Girolamo 257-697, Derik Gund 234-636, Trey Todora 242-652, George Gund 243-622, Kirwin Melo 220-635, Trint Miguez 279-675, Rick Hermsen 244-612, Micha Muller 208-580, Monica Cohrt 109-258.
• STARS OF TOMORROW (week before): Cain Shaw 195-548, Blaine Seymour 201-557, Kayla Kay 145-386, Brandon Bertrand 223-586, Ryan Thomas 154-407, Lexie Passmore 108-277, Randall Bradford 228-645.
• STARS OF TOMORROW (this week): Cain Shaw 208-587, Blaine Seymour 208-545, Kayla Kay 148-417, Randall Bradford 170-495.