KATHIE’S KORNER — “Clear Skies” means more than weather
Published 12:08 am Saturday, September 28, 2019
- KATHIE'S KORNER — Kathie Deasy
I have been praying this little phrase over my area here in Texas during what seemed like a “monsoon” right after Hurricane Harvey. The sky was dropping buckets of water on us with wind to drive it around. Remember my last column was a “positive” word about rain and how it can be productive, nourishing and refreshing to our air, but buckets for days was a “little much” for some friends and church members who were flooded.
I have adopted this phrase for many areas of my life, including my husband and dog, as they live with me and they agree and like the change. It’s been amazing to watch and feel the difference. I think if we realize how powerful our words are and be alert to our “mind and mouth,” we’ll have more of a smooth path and results along the way!
By “mind and mouth” I mean everything starts in our minds as we think and picture images, then start speaking it with our mouths, even sharing these with others. Let’s be aware of the results it might have on them. The Bible says to encourage and love one another, not just blab some opinion we have or have heard, and the media has a plethora of those, which we must check out the validity and source before we believe what they’re saying. Just because it’s on TV or our computers or newspapers doesn’t make it the truth — however, The Port Arthur News always prints the truth!
I’ve also been praying this phrase, “Clear Skies,” over my mind and body. Using hand motions from the top of my head to the soles of my big feet and I can feel and see change, thank God. Now, don’t confuse what I’m saying. I don’t want to clear out any good information or Word of God out of myself, but only that which could hold me back or distract me from my future. I love the Scripture in Hebrews that says, “…stripping off every unnecessary weight and sin which so easily entangle us, let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course that is set before us.” — Hebrews 12:1 Amplified Bible.
This is also a great weight-loss scripture.
I also pray this over projects we’re working on, traveling (even errands) on trips (business and pleasure), relationships and upcoming holiday plans. So, feel free to jump into this wonderful time of prayer with me and speak “Clear Skies” on your life!
Kathie Deasy writes about faith for The Port Arthur News