Ask a Cop: Your questions answered by officer Rickey Antoine
Published 9:38 am Tuesday, January 24, 2017
- Rickey Antoine
Bill from Port Arthur responded to last week’s article regarding the driver who failed to turn off their blinker. Bill told me he created a word to that. The word Bill created for those people that drive miles with their turn signal blinking is –blinkanesia!! Bill thanks for the creation of a word from the “Ask A Cop” column, I love it!
Jedrek from Port Arthur Asks – Officer Antoine, I’ve been doing research on driver’s license in the United States of America and found out that I don’t need a license to drive in the United States. I just wanted to know was that true or not?
Answer- Good question Jedrek! If you keep this quote in mind you will be on the right track. “Driving is a privilege not a Right!” Jedrek, I don’t know of a state in the United States of America that doesn’t require an operator of a motor vehicle to have a valid state issued driver’s license before they get behind the wheel of a moving motor vehicle on the roadway. Jedrek, remember anyone can upload a video or enter a statement on YouTube or online, so be careful where and from whom you get your information. Just because you can read it online doesn’t mean it’s true. I can’t speak of all states in America, but believe me when I say everyone in Texas who operates a motor vehicle on the roads is required to have a valid state-issued driver’s license on their person. Jedrek, did I mention already that driving is a privilege not a right. Do not get behind the wheel without it. The state of Texas giveth (driver’s license) and the state of Texas can take it (driver’s license) away!
Take caution when surfing the Internet and you find someone on YouTube say it’s your Constitutional right to travel in the United States of America without a driver license. Jedrek, I would love to see you or anyone try to challenge a citation for driving without a valid driver’s license in the municipal Court of Port Arthur or any court in America!
Maxine from Port Neches Asks – Officer Antoine, I must first say I, like many readers, have learned so much about the state of Texas driving laws, but unlike the others, I don’t believe you should be on the Dr. Phil show. Yes, you have given me several citations in the past and of course I’m still bitter. It’s just the way I feel about you and all the tickets you write to hard working people. Why don’t you go give tickets to all the gangsters, muggers, and thieves and leave us hard working citizens alone? Why not give warnings when you stopped me? I was very nice to you and I must be truthful, you were polite to me, but you still gave me tickets. Since I’ve been reading your section in the newspaper I haven’t received another ticket. Have a heart Officer Antoine and lighten up some, it’s not that serious!
Answer- Thanks for the comments Maxine! That’s OK with me if you are not in agreement with me appearing on the Dr. Phil show “Know An Officer that made a Difference.” Maxine, one thing my mother taught me a long time ago is one way in life to guarantee failure is “trying to please everyone.”
If I read your comment correctly, you haven’t been cited since you have been reading this “Ask A Cop” column, so to you even if you won’t admit it, I have made a difference. But it’s O.K. if you don’t agree with that either. I’m not oblivious to many citizens’ opinion of me in this and surrounding communities. Being a police officer is an often thankless job. I don’t write citations for a pat on my back, or for the community to lift me up. I enforce the transportation code because it is that serious, Maxine! If you have never seen babies or toddlers killed in a vehicle crash because the parent failed to properly secure them in a child restraint system, it’s that serious. If you have never seen someone killed in a rear end collision because someone was speeding, it’s that serious. If you have never seen someone dismembered or beheaded because someone disobeyed the driving laws of Texas, it’s that serious. Have you ever had the responsibility to notify a family their loved one will not be coming home, it’s that serious!
Maxine, the judge could have charged you $1 and I would have been just as vigilant on enforcing the transportation code of Texas. It’s been proven in this city what I’m doing helps save lives one stop, one class, and one column at a time! Maxine, are you aware in Port Arthur more citizens are killed in traffic crashes/wrecks than ones killed feloniously by gangster, mugger, thieves? Many citizens who read this column have lost a loved one in a vehicular crash/wreck and it’s my desire that no one feels that pain ever again. IT’S THAT SERIOUS!
Jonathan from Port Arthur Asks- Officer Antoine, I have recently adopted a 5 year of girl/daughter. She is tall for her age. At what age can she sit in the front seat of my car?
Answer- Good question Jonathan! First I’d like to congratulate you on the new addition of a lovely young girl to your family! I’m asked this question constantly because apparently someone started the rumor that someone has to be a certain age to ride in a particular seat position in a motor vehicle. Jonathan, you can sit your child in ANY seat other than the driver seat, as long as you have the child in the correct child restraint system. You can sit a new born in the front seat as long as you have them in the correct seat, facing backwards with the air bag deactivated. I wouldn’t personally advise sitting children in the front seat, but it’s not ILLEGAL in Texas to do so. Your daughter will need a booster seat until she is 8 years of age or 4’9″ tall, whichever one comes first.
Join Me, Officer Antoine for Ask A Cop live, on KSAP 96.9 FM The Breeze radio station, every Tuesday for at least 1 hour from 1p-until we are done. Tune in and listen as Officer Antoine discusses in detail the newly released “Ask A Cop” article that printed in The News. You can also tune in via internet at Feel free to call in and ask your question live to Officer Antoine at (409) 982-0247. Remember to email your questions to , or call 409-984-8541 and leave a voice mail question, or mail them to: Ofc. Rickey Antoine, 645 4th Street, Port Arthur, Texas, 77640. If you happen to see me in public you can always free and comfortable to approach and “Ask A Cop”!