ASK A COP: PAPD appreciates your appreciation

Published 11:29 pm Monday, September 12, 2016

From the Interim Chief of Police. Weldon Dunlap, and the men and women of the Port Arthur Police Department, I know some may be tired of me saying this, BUT WE AT P.A.P.D ARE NOT TIRED OF RECEIVING TOKENS OF APPRECIATION FROM OUR COMMUNITY and BUSINESSES!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Your generosity is NOT going unnoticed or unappreciated. This means more than you know!

Pauline from Port Arthur asks: Officer Antoine, thanks for this column, I love it and I’m a much safer driver because of Ask A Cop! Officer Antoine, I have always been told to give people their flowers while they are living. So I find you to be an absolute treasure for our community of drivers, and we all should be grateful for your service. With that said, I know we are in the age of cameras and catching everything on film so to speak. I was wondering what your thoughts are about dashboard camera that we citizens can install in our vehicles.

Answer: Good question Pauline! Thanks so much for the flowers! It’s compliments like yours that keep me going. As we all know in my line of business of Traffic Enforcement (issuing citations/tickets), I’m not normally a welcomed Officer. Pauline, I think you bring up something (dash cameras) that is very popular in other countries and the western states of this country, but it hasn’t bloomed yet in Texas. Dashboard cameras are able to aid Law Enforcement Officers with actual footage of what actually happened prior to, during and even after an event. Dashboard cameras have been able to capture natural disasters like tornadoes, hail, lightning strikes and hurricane force winds…. Pauline with that said, I don’t think that a dashboard camera is a bad thing because it doesn’t require the driver to do anything that would distract them while driving, as long as they turn it on and start recording at the beginning of their journey. We are in the age now where everyone wants to SEE what happened rather than be TOLD what happened! Cameras are EVERYWHERE on cell phones, homes, elevators, businesses, churches, in some cities at the intersections and many Police Officers have body cams on their uniform shirt. Pauline Dashboard cameras can only HELP you not hurt!

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Horace from Bridge City Asks: Officer Antoine, I read your article all the time and I know about the law regarding speeding, but I need you to straighten this issue pertaining to speeding for me. A couple of weeks ago I was traveling to Houston and when I got on Interstate 10 the speed limit dropped to 65mph, but it seemed like nobody was going slower than 75mph. Would that be a reasonable speed since EVERYONE is doing it, or would it still be considered speeding?

Answer: Good question Horace! Thanks for being a regular reader Horace! By your continued reading, it is my belief you are part of our driving solution in Southeast Texas. Horace, my constant statement is “You are in control of the vehicle, not the vehicle is in control of you!” Well, at least we are not quite there yet, where the vehicle drives itself!!! Horace, I know it’s either tempting of intimidating to join the crowd, but when you KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY travel above the posted speed limit, YOU are violating the state law of SPEEDING! The best plan of action in this case Horace, is get over to the far right lane and let the speeders have it, but you continue to drive legally either AT or BELOW the posted speed limit sign. Don’t ever let someone alter your driving behavior because they are in a hurry or just simply want to speed, unless it’s for the safety of yourself or other motorists on the roadway. Horace, always ask yourself this question when wanting to join speeders, if I was in a department store and everyone was picking up items and running out without paying for them, would I join them or go the register like I’m supposed to and redeem the items.

Cyndi from Nederaland Asks: Officer Antoine, my husband and I are in need of an answer from Ask A Cop. You answered a question a few articles ago about having sexual relations inside a vehicle in a public place is against the law in Texas called Public Lewdness. My husband and I own a Recreational Vehicle and we often travel from city to city and park overnight to rest. Like I said we are retirement age, but we are not DEAD if you follow me. Is it illegal for us to have sexual encounters with each other while inside of our R.V. if we are in a public place? Is the bed in there ONLY for sleeping?

Answer: Good question Cyndi! Sounds like you and your husband are living the good life of retirement. I can’t even imagine that right now. No matter what mode of transportation you are in, the simple answer is “YES,” it’s illegal to have sexual intercourse/contact in a public place. Ask yourself two questions, Am I having sex and Am I in a public place? If you can answer YES to both of these questions, then sexual intercourse/contact at this point is ILLEGAL!  Also, if I’m not in a public place, am I reckless whether someone present who will be offended or alarmed by my sexual intercourse/contact? With that said, Cyndi let’s look at one element that’s important about Public Lewdness- someone must actually SEE you having sexual intercourse/contact with your significant other. . I don’t own a R.V., but I believe there are shades on the front windshield and windows that can be drawn down right? If one can NOT SEE the sexual act regardless of what they heard, then the proof of Lewd Conduct(sexual intercourse/contact) is out of the window! Cyndi, the Hollywood actor Denzel Washington said it best in the movie “Training Day. “It’s not what you know it’s what you can PROVE!!!

Join Me, Officer Antoine for Ask A Cop live, on KSAP 96.9 FM The Breeze radio station, every Tuesday for 1 hour from 1p-2p. Tune in and listen as Officer Antoine discusses in detail the newly released “Ask A Cop” article that printed in The News. You can also tune in via internet at Feel free to call in and ask your question live to Officer Antoine at (409) 982-0247. Remember to email your questions to , or call 409-984-8541 and leave a voice mail question, or mail them to: Ofc. Rickey Antoine, 645 4th Street, Port Arthur, Texas, 77640. If you happen to see me in public you can always feel free and comfortable to approach and “Ask A Cop”!