Weber, Babin visit Safety Training Council

Published 10:32 am Friday, August 19, 2016

Congressmen Randy Weber of the 14th Congressional District and Congressman Dr. Brian Babin of the 36th Congressional District visited the International Safety Training Council in Beaumont to meet with Industry of Southeast Texas, a forum of plant managers in the Golden Triangle area from companies such as Chevron, Hunstman, and Total.

Reviews over industry protocols like risk management, field training, and mutual aid partners were discussed for the benefit of the congressmen.

Weber lauded the efforts of the forum, noting that the plant economy in Port Arthur helps create new jobs and keep business strong.

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“All people should be happy about what goes on here, because it’s the largest economic driver in Texas.”

Babin would agree with his fellow congressman and state that he was “very proud of his hometown.” Babin was born in Port Arthur and grew up in Beaumont.

Citing his hometown roots, Babin said that he “could appreciate what is going on” in regards to the plants and refineries that face stringent EPA standards.

“We fight the EPA on a weekly, if not daily, basis,” Babin said, specifically referring to Gina McCarthy, administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as a chief antagonist to their work.

In Babin’s opinion, if the EPA regulates the refinery industry too much, then that would ultimately hurt the local economy.

“They worry about Port Arthur being a dirty city,” Babin said. “[But] just imagine it as a city with no jobs.”

Babin further elaborated that if governmental regulations grew to be too strict for the area, then that would shift jobs overseas to other countries where there are no EPA standards, ultimately leading to even worse conditions for the environment overall.

In regards to oil transportation, Weber felt that pipelines were the superior method, even citing a 99.9 percent safety rating for oil pipelines.

“Pipelines are the safest way to run oil,” Weber said.

In other business, Weber and Babin briefly discussed national politics.

“We have a President who views the world as he’d like to see it, not like it is,” Weber said.

Babin sympathized, listing concerns about an underfunded U.S. military, open borders, and an uncontrolled flood of refugees.

“Just look at our allies in Western Europe to see how that’s going [for them],” Babin said.

Weber would nod in agreement, citing video of illegals crossing the Mexican border.

“The F.B.I. says that there are up to 40 eastern religious sects that are crossing our southern border.”

Babin thought that electing Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, would curb that kind of activity from happening so frequently.