PA Police lauded for prescription drug drop off box
Published 10:03 am Friday, July 24, 2015
We are proud to have Port Arthur Police Department partner with SETCADA Community Coalition Partnerships to provide a much needed community service with a Prescription Drug Take Back Box. The CDC has stated prescription drug abuse in the United States is at an epidemic level. As of 2015 CDC reported 22,767 deaths related to the abuse of prescription drugs.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “prescription and over the counter drugs are the most commonly abused substances by Americans 14 years of age and older, after marijuana and alcohol.”
Medications in the medicine cabinet are an easy target for individuals to easily abuse without the need to find a drug dealer. These same medications left on counter tops and various tables within the home are in reach of toddlers to accidentally consume.
Some individuals in good faith dispose of unwanted, unused, and outdated medications by simple discarding them into the trash, or flushing it down the toilet. While this method does remove these medications from the home environment they are still assessable to individuals searching through garbage and increases the danger to our environment through the water system and municipal landfills.
We urge all of our citizens to get involved, spread the word, and drop off your unwanted or expired prescription pills at our local prescription take-back box located in the lobby of the Port Arthur Police Department, no questions asked.
Rita Simmons, Board Member
SETCADA Community Coalition Partnerships