KATHIE DEASY — Make Thanksgiving’s opportunities an everyday thing
Published 12:02 am Saturday, November 27, 2021
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
I think we covered a lot of the history about Thanksgiving and Black Friday in my recent column, and I don’t like linking the two together.
Not trying to be a snob, or critical if you are excited about shopping at your favorite stores’ sales, but I’m very serious about God and the calendar celebrations for and about Him.
People should know the reasons for that shopping day after Thanksgiving and
why it’s called Black Friday (money-wise, to allow the Store Owners to get out of the red).
My husband, Mike, and I are so very thankful to God for our life, in Him, and that He would use us to tell people about Him and introduce them to Jesus.
We’ve done this all over the world for 40 years, young and old, rich or poor. We use our music as our “ministry tool” of evangelism. What a powerful, loving Heavenly
Father, He is, giving us an incredible Bible (Owners Manual) to live by and share to a lost world.
We have found so many scriptures for our songs while studying and in our devotion time in the Bible.
Everyone likes music, some more than others, and God gives us peaceful, fun, powerfully passionate, energetic, songs that captivate audiences or groups everywhere, because of His anointing on us.
Mike is such a gifted songwriter, a poetic genius in how he takes Scripture and molds it into a perfect subject for any project or group: Childrens, Meditation, Golden Oldies (he worked on), Praise & Worship, and CDs like “Holy Smoke” and “Guitar Gold” that rock for the “rockers.”
God wants that none would parish, all would be saved and have knowledge of the Truth !
So, we continue to write and record the music He gives us and peacefully share it with all who would hear, or shout it in the streets and byways, as led.
“Give thanks to the Lord for He is Good His love endures forever” Psalm 136: 1
“I will sing of the Lord’s great Love forever, With my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations. I will declare Your Love stands firm forever” — Psalm 89:1&2
So, have a thankful, peaceful Thanksgiving weekend, and maybe everyday. How about it.
Kathie Deasy writes about religion for Port Arthur Newsmedia. She can be reached at kathiedeasy@hotmail.com.