KATHIE’S KORNER — Work ethic drives successful families, people
Published 12:09 am Saturday, August 31, 2019
- KATHIE'S KORNER — Kathie Deasy
Labor definition: effort, industry, exertion, toil
I personally thank all the “hard workers” in America!
Lazy people, wake up and get moving. If you don’t have a job or are retired (sitting around), volunteer somewhere. There are lots of opportunities for that. Examples include delivering mail or flowers in hospitals, rocking babies, driving friends to shopping areas, answering phones at your church, helping missionaries or ministers and more.
The Labor movement actually started on the first Labor Day in 1882 and dedicated a federal holiday in 1894 for workers.
Labor Day and Memorial Day are both “patriotic holidays,” a yearly national tribute to the social and economic achievements of American workers.
My brothers and I were taught a hard, healthy, strong but satisfying “work ethic” in the ‘50s in California, where we were born and raised by two parents who worked hard and built a very successful construction business. Mainly they did bricklaying and stone work. My dad was almost an amazing artist from the blueprints he read. He made bids on large tracts of beautiful homes and patios (still standing), sometimes traveling to Arizona for colorful or fossil-laden rock for custom homes and fireplaces.
They taught us from childhood to work hard (we thought it was normal, still do) from chores, being part of the family, animal care, feeding and watering our birds and dog, schoolwork, homework, projects (handed in on time), practicing our musical instruments and voice, playing fair in neighborhood sports and with each other.
We played hard, too, being very competitive to wanting to win. This time of studying with coaches and practicing music from young ages was preparation for my brother and I to become professional musicians. It all adds up and counts.
Our three children were taught these same “work ethics” and as adults are very successful in their lives, law offices, and they all love God and their husbands. All of them have beautiful homes and are not clock watchers but loyal workers, one and all.
I’m very proud of them and their accomplishments and that they are happy.
So, next time someone says to you, “Don’t work too hard,” just smile and work!
Kathie Deasy writes about faith for The Port Arthur News.