ASK A COP: Safe at home? Only in baseball

Published 7:00 am Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lee from Port Arthur asks: Officer Antoine, after reading one of your columns, my wife and I had a discussion about being stopped by a police officer. Officer Antoine, we were wondering if a police officer stops you, or attempts to stop you, but you were able to make it home before you physically stop your car, are you at a safety point where Police Officers can’t pursue any more? We asked this because my wife’s cousin told us a Police Officer attempted to stop him a block away from his home, so he kept driving until he reached his driveway, and the officer told him he was lucky he made it home first. So is this true if you make it home, is the driver free from being ticketed?

Answer: Good question, Lee! I truly believe this is a real question, because this is not the first time I’ve heard this question. It almost makes me laugh because the only place I know you’re safe is when you make it home is in the game of baseball. Lee, if a police officer initiates a traffic stop on any vehicle, that vehicle is not safe if he makes it home. Whatever the officer accused you of, and attempted to stop you for before you make it to your home, you are NOT safe. Once again you are not safe, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are out either. The best course of action is to pull over to the right side of the roadway as soon and as safe as possible. The officer is the one who decides whether to issue a citation or not. Lee, you can pull up in your driveway, garage, work, store or church and the officer will be right there as well. Just keep in mind, if you see emergency lights, pull over and stop to the right.

Karen from Winnie asks: Officer Antoine, I work in the city, which means I drive here almost daily. My question is I have a pick-up truck that I have a bumper pull trailer, and I have often times left my trailer tailgate open as I’m traveling to work. I don’t have any loads on the back of my truck, but I just like it to stay down because I believe it gives me better gas mileage. My question is, is it illegal for me to drive down the road with my tailgate open? I have a coworker that told me it was illegal, so I need to know because I don’t want to break the law. Thank you for all you do. I just love this informational column!

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Answer: Good question, Karen! Believe it or not, this is a question I get regularly. I’m not quite certain where this rumor came from, or who or what state or country it is illegal. In the state of Texas, there’s no such law in the Transportation Code that states if you drive with your tailgate down it is illegal. Now Karen, there may be some cities that have adopted an ordinance making it illegal to drive a truck with the tailgate down. You need to check with your local law enforcement or city ordinance to see if driving with tailgate down has been addressed.

Darryl from Nederland asks: Officer Antoine, I have a son who always believes he can make it to the service station on fumes. I have told him over and over again about running the car low on fuel and that it would damage his fuel injectors. I have had to rescue him three or four times on the road because he ran out of gas. Is there any law that allows someone to get a ticket for running out of gas? He just doesn’t get it.

Answer: Good question, Darryl! Sounds to me like Dads, or Darryl’s repo service, needs to be called to action. I bet he will get it then. Running out of gas, or running your gas tank below a quarter of a tank, has been determined to cause damage to the fuel injectors, which is a very costly repair. Darryl, at his time there isn’t a law in the state of Texas where a police officer can issue a citation before someone runs out of gas. But through research, I have found there is one city. Youngstown, Ohio, has made it illegal for anyone to run out of gas on the roadway. YES, in Youngstown, Ohio you could be cited for running out of gas on the roadway. Unless your son is moving to Youngstown, Ohio, there is nothing that can be done about running out of gas by law enforcement in Texas.

Join Officer Antoine for Ask A Cop Live, on KSAP 96.9 FM, “The Breeze” radio station, every Tuesday from 1-2 p.m. Tune in and listen as Officer Antoine discusses in detail the newly released Ask A Cop article that printed in The News. You can also tune in via internet at Feel free to call in and ask your question live to Officer Antoine at 409-982-0247.

 Remember to email your questions to, or call 409-983-8673 and leave a message or voice mail question, or mail them to: Ofc. Rickey Antoine, 645 Fourth St., Port Arthur, Texas, 77640. If you happen to see me in public you can Ask A Cop!