CULINARY THRILL SEEKING: Drive in the country seasoned by mural
Published 10:00 am Wednesday, April 10, 2019
A recent “fish Friday” with visiting relatives demanded a drive in the country, looking for birds and other fun. The sight-seeing brought my family to 10025 Highway 124 and fried seafood at Doug Nelson Café.
The funny thing is, the view inside was of a country drive. A mural depicts a vintage car in the setting sun at a store stocked with familiar old-time products and a Clabber Girl Baking Powder sign. I was drawn to snuggling kittens nestled into the painting, and a little boy who escaped his parents’ table was interested in petting the creatures.
If you didn’t know, you can buy Doug Nelson seasonings packaged up for your own kitchen experiments.
Eat right to ease your mind
I love being right. When offered a review copy of “Mind Easing,” I anticipated a healthy diet would be part of Bick Wanck’s advice. Right.
He writes “prescriptions” for mindfulness, exercise and a diet of no-sugar or low-refined grains that’s high in fresh vegetables. When your diet is in alignment with the needs of your body and mind, healing flows evenly and effectively. When you eat food that is bad for you, healing becomes disjointed, disharmonious and derailed, he writes.
“Your flow of healing needs a safe and healthy diet to stay on track,” he relates, in this book, subtitled “The 3-Layered Healing Plan for Anxiety and Depression.”
The steps are enhancement, guidance and restoration.
Snickers stuff
I was at a reception with an already lovely spread, and out came a bowl of Snickers creamy blends candies. Maple almond butter and peanut butter squares stopped conversations. Everybody already loves Snickers and these “gourmet” versions were popular. I ended up having to share the one I was trying to enjoy all to myself. My husband owes me one.
Look for these when creating Easter baskets.
Darragh Doiron is a Port Arthur area foodie who does her best to enjoy and eat in balance for pleasure, nourishment and health. Reach her at