BRIAN JOHNSON ON OUTDOORS: All good things must come to an end
Published 8:43 pm Saturday, March 17, 2018
- Brian Johnson and his family used a Polaris General 4 for the past year. (Brian Johnson/Special to The News)
I have always heard the saying that “all good things must come to an end,” and today I had a chance to experience it first hand.
Before you get too worried, this is not a tragedy, or a tear jerk story; just the end of a beautiful partnership.
The “partnership” was a unique one to say the least, and quiet honestly one I had never expected. Almost a year ago Polaris Industries loaned me a 2017 Polaris General 4. The unit would cost me nothing for a year and all I had to do was to write a few reviews and stories about this machine. In return, I could use this Cadillac of a UTV for one full year.
I had this idea that I would not write a technical article like you would see in an off-road magazine, but rather a piece about how the General was used throughout the year. What kind of benefits would ownership entail, and ultimately are these types of UTVs worth owning? I wanted to document all of the fun I had and the uses I found for this machine. Below are some of the uses and experiences that I wanted to share with my readers.
My first experience with the machine was taking my daughter for a ride on her 17th birthday. We basically drove around in the pasture across the street and made ourselves familiar with the General. It didn’t take long for me to speed test it and find out that it was capable of speeds in excess of 70 mph and it was very smooth riding. However, at this stage of the game that was about all I knew.
My next trip out was to an undisclosed bowhunting ranch. My friends and I put the General to a test in the rough South Texas terrain, and I was very pleased that the suspension handled the rocky roads and washouts with ease. We used the bed to haul several pop up blinds and gear. Once the hunt began this four-seater unit became a taxi for all hunters, and even managed to haul a pig or two.
I found out that the General was a great benefit around the house as well. We used it to haul dog food to the kennels, trash to the road, and even trained a few dogs out of the small dump bed. After a long day of training dogs, I would often hop in the General and gas choke it across my property as fast as I could go!
Crazy and careless? Maybe so. However it was totally exhilarating and always put a smile on my face.
I must say that I never thought the General would become my main transportation for a week. However, after Harvey left most of the area under water, we drove the General around our property and into town as we had opportunity. We were careful to not go too deep, but the high ground clearance and super high breather vents allowed us to go where our cars could not. It was the General that was helpful in getting groceries and fuel for our generator during this epic storm.
The Polaris went on hog hunts, deer hunts, a turkey hunt, and countless trips to the leases in Sonora and Devers. It never got stuck, never left me stranded, and started every time I turned the key! Even though I was unusually rough on this machine, it never let me down.
Many times at the lease we would hook the General up to a trailer and work it all weekend long. Up and down the rocky hills and even through the cactus and mesquite. The slime-filled tires helped to protect against leaks so we were fearless.
Two or three times the Polaris made it to the beach. We put a speaker in the back, blue toothed it with our phone and let the good times roll, me and my middle-aged friends jamming out like we were teenagers.
We had smiles on our faces and loved every minute of it. Somehow this machine, in that moment, made me feel young and cool again. Sorry, I can’t lie.
I never was cool to begin with but I felt that now I was. With my loud music, grey hair, fat belly, and the General I was a legend in my own mind!
You might be noticing that this is way different than my usual outdoor writing. My purpose for this article is not to fulfill my final obligation to Polaris, but rather to let you know how fun and functional a UTV can be for your family.
This is especially true if you are an outdoorsman like me. Hunting, fishing, and other opportunities are made so much more accessible by a UTV. Not just a Polaris, but just about any UTV can be fun to own.
These things aren’t cheap, so it will probably require some saving or sacrifices elsewhere, but once you own one you will agree with me that it is worth it!
I’d love to tell you more but I just got an email stating that it is time to return this unit to Polaris. I think I still have time for one last ride. My motto … drive it like you stole it!
Brian Johnson, originally of Port Neches, is pastor of the Outdoorsman’s Church in Winnie, owner of and outdoors writer for The News.