Published 11:37 pm Tuesday, August 30, 2016
- Istanbul pizza has an unusual shape and a fantastic taste.
We couldn’t get over our pizza being shaped like an eye. Istanbul Grill in Houston’s Rice Village had outdoor seating and available parking, so that was our quick pick for a culinary adventure to tide us over for a luncheon appointment at an undetermined time. We chose wisely. “Hospitality is our nature,” the card reads. The pizza was cheesy and rich with perfect crust. Everyone else’s choices on the patio looked just as tempting.
“The Great Big Body Book”
Little ones may love sweets, but later we may prefer olives or coffee. We should keep fit and also look for the big-eared cat on each page of “The Great Big Body Book.” With reminders that even the Queen was a baby, mums, spelling of the word “colour” and references to dreaded teen spots (facial interruptions), grownups can pick up that Mary Hoffman and Ros Asquith have British ties. They wrote and illustrated this colorful, educational and politically correct book for wee ones. The cat was a super-cute touch I’d say. It’s a good one for foodie parents to have on hand to remind us that food is fuel for our wonderful bodies. I’ll close with the book’s opening joke:
“Why didn’t the skeleton go to the disco?”
“He had NO BODY to dance with!”
Not going back for that Jack
You know that commercial for the Jack in the Box Brewhouse Bacon Burger? Where Jack is in disguise by wearing a big hipster moustache? My husband and I think that commercial is hilarious. It seduced me to try one of those burgers. The commercial was immensely better, we thought. About a year ago we tried a Buttery Jack and liked that pretty good. This new one reminds me why I avoid fast food restaurants.