For the good of our community

Published 8:12 am Monday, October 26, 2015

Over the past week we had the honor of visiting with three of the four candidates running for the open Port Arthur City Council seat Position 7. Thomas Henderson, Antoine Freeman and Charlotte Moses each accepted our invitation to sit down with both Roger Cowles and myself and discuss their views on creating “a better Port Arthur.” The fourth candidate, Reginald Trainer, did not meet with us.

Listening to the passion that each candidate brought, quite literally, to the table was a huge breath of fresh air. Of course each has their own views on what is important, but finding a way to build a city council that our community can be proud of was the common thread that bound them.

They all seemed to be very good people with the will and want to help. However, I separated two from the three rather quickly who stood out a little more. Each one very capable of handling the community responsibilities tied to this open position they seek. While conversing with both Antoine Freeman and Charlotte Moses, each allowed me to begin seeing a glimpse into the future of a city council that could work together for the betterment of all citizens.

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But ultimately there can be only one that I can vote for this week at early voting. Antoine Freeman, family man and attorney, who balances a healthy profession while giving all of his free time to coaching a number of youth teams or Charlotte Moses, mother of four, business owner, executive pastor and former Port Arthur Economic Development Corporation board member? Past elections were a little simpler, but this one took some deep thought.

Tomorrow I will be casting my vote for Charlotte Moses. Although I truly feel each would be a welcome addition to our city council, the difference maker for me was Ms. Moses’ experience as a member of the Port Arthur EDC board. Having already been a part of a working board that focuses on the betterment of Port Arthur, she has seen first hand how the EDC has had to struggle with the Port Arthur City Council to get anything done, Ms. Moses understands. Charlotte Moses is good for our community and is the right choice for Position 7.

Rich Macke is publisher of The Port Arthur News. Contact him at